Foxtangi Dunes


Sun 10 Sep 2023 11:00 — 13:30

Event information

This event has passed.

Foxtangi Dunes click here

Classic technical orienteering on rough open dunes and mature pine forest (including parts not previously used) to the north of Foxton Beach. Event centre at the Boys Brigade camp, Foxton Beach.

Drive along the main road (Bond St) heading to the Beach and Surf Club. Turn onto Fabrin Street and drive to the end: Boys' Brigade Camp. 

Start times from 11:00 to 13:30. Courses close 14:30.

Course costs: to be posted soon

School Students : these courses will be a little more challenging than the Waterloo Park Area, mostly because a compass is needed. Bring a compass or ask to borrow on from our club on the day. Please ask for training help, hints on how to be a better orienteer, before you start. 

See ONZ for details:

Foxtangi Dunes

Red Long 6.6 km.

Technically challenging. Good map-reading, navigational skills and ability to relocate, essential. Physically tough, especially in the open dunes.

Red Medium 4.8 km.

Technically challenging. Good map-reading, navigational skills and ability to relocate, essential. Also covers tough terrain.

Red Short 3.5 km.

Technically challenging, but not as physically tough as RL and RM. Good map-reading, navigational skills and ability to relocate, essential.

Orange 3.7 km.

Intermediate technical level. Ability to read map contours, to plan and execute routes and to relocate to major features such as tracks. Covers some moderately rough terrain.

Yellow 2.1 km.

Elementary level course for orienteers who have mastered white level techniques and are beginning to interpret contour features on the map and ground. The course is based close to linear features, which can be used as “handrails”, with some “corner-cutting” options available. Entirely in the forest

White 1.5 km.

Introductory course for beginners and young orienteers. Ability to recognise linear features such as tracks and fences on the map, and follow them on the ground is required. Controls are situated at almost all decision points and are clearly visible on approach.

Planner: Malcolm Ingham

Controller: Gillian Ingham